Saturday, September 10, 2005

The fucking Domino

One bleeding lie and the fucking pattern continues There is a saying in Tamil," No harm in lying a thousand times to finish a marriage". My point is, it doesn't stop with a thousand. When was the last time a lie stopped itself in its own tracks. More often than not, a lie in its ever-growing net makes way to another 15,000 or more lies! I am right now seeing a man face the wrath of a lie this guy had to make up. As a result of this, this guy is having to make up another of his 14.999 of his quota of lies so that he can keep up with the story he started out with. I, on the other hand am searching for the perfect lie that can cover all future eventualities. Something that is as self-covering as the Murphy's law is self defeating. i.e "If the Murphy's Law can go wrong, it will!"

"I dont care a fuck about women" is one feeble attempt at this self-professed perfection. This is one way I can show the middle finger to the gentler sex and create enough mystery in their minds so that they can say," What the hell is happening in thay demented mind of his?!!". Anyways, this, at any rate, is a mask that I can be shrouded by!

Yet again, peace to all!


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8:43 PM, October 17, 2005  

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